Rabu, 02 Januari 2013

Deficiency of Vitamin D

Deficiency of Vitamin D

          Deficiency of vitamin D would be very unlikely to develop, let alone a severe case, given that your body can make all it needs. Harvard Health Publications report that as little as 15 minutes of sunshine on your arms and legs a few times a week provides enough vitamin D. However, as the numerous metabolic functions of vitamin D become clear it seems that too many people just do not get enough.

          The Role of Vitamin D is essential in maintaining adequate levels of calcium in blood serum. This is vital for the proper functioning of the nervous system, maintaining bone density, bone growth and muscle strength. The Linus Pauling Institute also reports that immune cells such as T cells and macrophages require vitamin D which appears to have a key role in modulating immune response.

          When calcium serum levels fall too low your body will try to absorb more from digestion and reabsorb more from the kidneys. If this fails your body will begin to withdraw calcium from your bones. Daily Requirement of Vitamin D. Scientists recommend around 1,000 International Units of vitamin D daily. One IU of vitamin D is only 0.000025 mg, so you might think that this target would be easy to reach. Unfortunately, very few foods are rich in vitamin D and many people spend too little time in direct sunlight.

          Children at Risk. Because children's bones are growing, adequate levels of serum calcium are particularly important. The Linus Pauling Institute reports that severely deficient children will suffer from weak demineralized bone structure, or rickets. Weight-bearing arms and legs become bowed, skull fontanels delay closure, ribs become deformed and in the most severe cases, seizures result.

          As human milk contains 25 IU per liter, breast-fed infants are at risk. Also, dark-skinned children who can absorb less UVB light or children who spend a lot of time indoors are likely to lack vitamin D.

          Older people's skin is less able to synthesize vitamin D. Also, older people cover up more when outside and spend more time indoors. The risk becomes particularly strong among the institutionalized elderly.

          A range of recent studies reviewed by the Linus Pauling Institute confirm that older people prescribed vitamin D supplements are much less likely to fall and suffer injury. This is because both muscle and bone strength are improved.
Other Effects of Deficiency. People with darker skin are more likely to be deficient in vitamin D. While 4 percent of white Americans suffer a lack of vitamin D among African Americans this figure rises to more than 40 percent.

          In adults muscle weakness and pain are symptoms of severe deficiency. The Linus Pauling Institute report that in one study 93 percent of Americans seeking medical treatment for muscle pain were actually suffering from vitamin D deficiency.

          Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend a diet including supplements; 3 cups of vitamin D fortified milk, 1 cup of vitamin D fortified orange juice and 15 mcg of supplemental vitamin D daily. Harvard Health Publications agree unless you spend a lot of time in the sun and like eating oily fish you are unlikely to reach 1,000 IU without supplements.


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